Wednesday Briefs – Chapter 6A

wedbriefs badge large Hi Everyone Welcome to another Wednesday Briefs. As always, all comments are welcomed and please check out the other authors at the end of this post.

Remember, I am also already working on a sequel so feel free to comment as much as you like with what you think should happen.

Chapter 6A. Going back to school

They walked into the school and were met by the headmaster. Mr. Theakin was wringing his hands and sweating, but he bowed and greeted them politely.

“Good morning, sirs. I wasn’t sure how you wanted to talk to the kids and teachers, so I have them all gathered in the assembly hall.”

Gray gave a sharp smile. “That’s perfect. Shall we?”

The headmaster led the way, and they were led through a door that led straight to the base of the steps to the stage. Gray climbed up first and Mica followed.

“Good morning, everyone,” Gray’s voice echoed through the hall with the help of a simple spell. “For those of you students I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting, I am Leader Oliver Grayson or Gray to my friends.” The crowd chuckled at his accompanying wink. Gray held out his arm to indicate Mica. “This is my second, Mica Jacobson. We have come today to speak to you all about a matter that has come to our attention.

“I have been told that your teachers haven’t been teaching you everything you need to know about this coven and its leadership. So first, I would like to ask some simple questions. Please raise your hand if you know the answer. How many kinds of magic are there in this coven?”

A few hands went up, and Gray pointed to a boy at random. “One, sir. Since there is only one type of magic, sir.”

Gray shook his head. “I’m afraid that is wrong. I will explain after my next question. If there is only one type of magic, how does Second Mica do this?”

On cue, Mica allowed his magic to light up between his fingers, and he held his hand high for all to see.

Gray waited for the gasps and whispers to fade before he spoke again. “Second Mica is an elemental mage. He uses electricity to power his spells.”

Suddenly there was a hiss, and Mica shook his hand, spraying water over Gray too.

“It looks like our other elemental mage is nearby. Are you going to join us?” He called the question out, and Owen appeared at the bottom of the steps to the stage.

Mica was gobsmacked. When he and Gray had left the house for the office, Owen had been adamant he didn’t want to see or speak to anyone. Mica had even fixed a transmitter to his shirt so Owen could hear everything that was happening without having to be there.

“I think some of you may recognise Second Mica’s mate, Owen Kerby. As you may have seen when he doused his mate, he uses the power of water for his spells. Owen, why not give another demonstration?”

Owen nodded and made a ball of glowing water hover over his hand as he had done in the cafe with Mica. There was a sudden hubbub from the children, and Mica looked up to see a small girl standing with wide eyes.

Gray noticed as well and called to her, “What’s your name, little one?”

“I’m Nancy, sir.” She gave a small curtsy but didn’t take her eyes off of Owen.

“Did you want to ask something, Nancy?”

Instead of answering, she held up her hand. A small flame lit up and hovered there. The children nearest to her moved away, but she held firm and the flame stayed over her hand.

With a grin, Owen flipped his water until it was hovering over Nancy, dripping on her and making her flame sputter and cough.

Mica noticed the water also contained something else. There was a spell in the water Owen was sending to Nancy, but Mica couldn’t tell what it was.

Please remember to comment with any bonus scenes you would like to see. They don’t have to be about this story, they can be from any story I have posted on this blog. I will make a running list on my blog and keep updating as I receive requests.

Thank you for reading  For more great stories from more great authors click the links below or visit the Wednesday Briefs website

Cia Nordwell

Julie Lynn Hayes

J Alan VeerKamp


About cazpedroso

Author and volunteer
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2 Responses to Wednesday Briefs – Chapter 6A

  1. Judy Stone says:

    I liked how Gray interacted with the kids, and was pleased Owen decided to join them onstage. Since Ian and the other mentor are required to attend the meeting, what kind of stupid are they going to pull when they see Owen there? I’ll bring popcorn!


    • cazpedroso says:

      Ah, Ian and his gang will get punished but I will give a bit of a spoiler and say that it will be in the next story, not this one…Sorry (not really, LOL)
      I’m glad you are liking this story so far.


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